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Monday, December 11, 2006Governance challenges in Africa and the role of the African Union
On 19 December, Ambassador Shinkaiye, Chief of Staff of President Konare, will speak at an ECDPM Public Lecture on the institutional achievements of the African Union and Africa's future governance challenges.
By creating the African Union in 2000, African leaders gave a clear signal to the international community that the continent was assuming a strong responsibility for it's own development. Since then, the AU has produced concrete results in the area of peace and security, international relations (EU, China, Latin America...) and the promotion of democratic governance structures in Africa. The African Union Commission (AUC), based in Addis Ababa and led by Alpha Oumar Konare, former President of Mali, is playing a key role in facilitating these complex African change processes. The lecture is part of the 20 year anniversary events of ECDPM - more information is available on the ECDPM website.