
 Cotonou Partnership Agreement
 ACP-EU Relations in a Changing World


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Cotonou Partnership - Premature questions?

Maastricht, 18 December. Asked to reflect on what's working and what's not working in the Cotonou Partnership Agreement (CPA), Laurent Toulouse from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs felt this question to be rather premature - though he could draw up a quick balance sheet:
  • The best impact has been with the political dialogue and consultation at the country level;
  • Budgets have increased;
  • There is a stronger political control focusing on the impact of aid and investments in development;
  • It has integrated more players, but this is difficult to measure;
  • On the technical and trade dimensions, the picture is blurred. "We are more efficient today";
  • At the EU level, the CPA has created opportunities and food for thought on ways to be more consistent, more coherent, and more harmonized.

The ECDPM Seminar on "The Cotonou Partnership Agreement: What role in a changing world?" is assessing progress and prospects for the ACP-EU partnership.

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