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Wednesday, December 20, 2006Three questions to Lingston Cumberbatch and Dieter Frisch
ECDPM Trade specialists caught up with Lingston Cumberbatch and Dieter Frisch at the recent ECDPM Seminar on The Cotonou Partnership Agreement: What role in a changing world?
Lingston Cumberbatch, Project Director of the ACP EPA Programme ManagementUnit and Dieter Frisch, Former Director General for Development at the European Commission, answered three questions: 1. What in your view have been the major positive developments in the ACP-EU relations over the last 20 years? 2. What are the key challenges for this ACP-EU partnership in the coming 20 years? 3. Given the intense EPA negotiations between the six ACP regions and the EU, and the European strategies towards Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, how do you see the future of the ACP as a group? Read their comments in the December 2006 issue of the acp-eu-trade.org newsletter