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Tuesday, February 06, 2007Agriculture and Development in the EPA Negotiations
The Swedish Board of Agriculture has recently released a report on the trade and development aspects of the EPA negotiations on agriculture.
The study sheds light on various issues related to the EPA regions' and the EU's export and import interests in the agro-food sector. The main purpose is to offer a comprehensive overview - and create some basic understanding - of the actors' positions in the ongoing EPA negotiations on agriculture. In this context, both the EPA-EU trade, as well as the EPA intra-regional trade, are studied in order to identify leading products and countries, as well as sensitive sectors, with regard to exports and imports. The overall ambition is that this study may be useful as a relevant background and reference material for the EPA negotiations in the agro-food area. Download the full report: http://www.sjv.se/webdav/files/SJV/trycksaker/Pdf_rapporter/ra06_32E.pdf